Moon Phases

WAXING MOON: This is the time from the New Moon to the first quarter of the Full moon.
Waxing Moon is the best time to cast invoking spells that draw positive magic like healing, spells that increase love, good luck, and wealth. It is also a good time for growth of any kind.

FULL MOON: The Full moon phase provides the strongest power for invocations. It is the time to also focus on the conclusion of the spells cast during the Waxing phase. The Full moon is a great time to perform lunar Goddess invocations, fertility rituals, spirit conjuring and spells that increase psychic abilities also prophetic dreams. Also a great time for any protection magic. Some say that the best full moon magic can be done for seven days, the three days before, the day of and the three days after the full moon. Sometimes it will take a whole moon cycle for the full moon magic to work and come to completion. 

WANING MOON: The waning time is from the Full moon to the last quarter to the New moon. This is when you would do banishing spells and release things from your life. You can remove curses, hexes and jinxes. End a bad relationship, undo negative influences and decrease fevers and pains. This is the best time to make changes to your life and let go so you can start new.

NEW MOON: This is a good time to plan for a new beginning  and examine any hidden issues. Also this is a great time to do healing spells and blessings of new projects or ventures. This is a really good time to Scry too. Here is a new moon chant  to Diana by Scott Cunningham.
Waxing, waxing, growing, growing
Diana's power is flowing, flowing.
(repeat as much as u wish)
The three days before  new moon is known as the dark moon. This would be when you would take a break from doing any magic. Take this time to rest and just meditate to recharge your energy.

Because of the rotation of the earth there are thirteen full moons in a year. Each moon carry a name.

Wolf moon                                   January
Storm moon                                 February
Chaste moon                                March
Seed moon                                   April
Hare moon                                   May
Dyad (pair) moon                         June
Mead moon                                 July
Wyrt moon (green plant)              August
Barley moon                                September
Blood moon                                 October
Snow moon                                  November
Oak moon                                    December
Blue moon                                    (varies)

The Harvest moon is the full moon that is nearest Mabon. The harvest moon is a farmers favorite. The moon gives the farmers extra light to bring in the crops. you can use this moon to call for favors or to add extra protection.
The Blue moon only occurs when it appears twice in the same month.  A Blue moon is a goal moon. This is when you would review failures and accomplishments done since the last blue moon. This moon is when you set long term goals for yourself.You could write your goals on a index card or post it note and put it on the mirror in the bathroom or somewhere you will see it in the morning or night. You don't have to read it every day but keep it as a reminder of your goals.

*Used some info from To Ride a Silver Broomstick By Silver RavenWolf

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Great Books to read!

  • Ancient Ways Reclaiming Pagan Traditions: By Pauline Campanelli and Dan Campanelli
  • Embracing The Moon: By Yasmine Galenorn
  • The New Age Herbalist :By Richard Mabey
  • The Sabbats A New Approach to living the old Ways: By Edain McCoy
  • The Wicca Spellbook: By Gerina Dunwich
  • The Wiccan Book Of Ceremonies And Rituals: By Patricia Telesco
  • To Ride A Silver Broomstick: By Silver RavenWolf
  • Wicca A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner: By Scott Cunningham . Any of his books are wonderful.